
Module Contents#



Class to represent univariate Laplace posterior distribution.



Computes an ‘error measure’ based on the interquartile range of the measurement results.


Computes the Probability Mass Function (PMF) for a binomial distribution.


Computes a quantile/percentile from a dataset.


Compute a quantile and a confidence interval for a given dataset.


Performs statistical analysis on the provided samples.


asv_runner.statistics.get_err(result, stats)#

Computes an ‘error measure’ based on the interquartile range of the measurement results.


result (any)

The measurement results. Currently unused.

stats (dict)

A dictionary of statistics computed from the measurement results. It should contain the keys “q_25” and “q_75” representing the 25th and 75th percentiles respectively.


error (float)

The error measure, defined as half the interquartile range (i.e., (Q3 - Q1) / 2).

asv_runner.statistics.binom_pmf(n, k, p)#

Computes the Probability Mass Function (PMF) for a binomial distribution.


n (int)

The number of trials in the binomial distribution.

k (int)

The number of successful trials.

p (float)

The probability of success on each trial.


pmf (float)

The binomial PMF computed as (n choose k) * pk * (1 - p)(n - k).


Handles edge cases where p equals 0 or 1.

asv_runner.statistics.quantile(x, q)#

Computes a quantile/percentile from a dataset.


x (list of float)

The dataset for which the quantile is to be computed.

q (float)

The quantile to compute. Must be in the range [0, 1].


m (float)

The computed quantile from the dataset.



If the provided quantile q is not in the range [0, 1].


This function sorts the input data and calculates the quantile using a linear interpolation method if the desired quantile lies between two data points.

asv_runner.statistics.quantile_ci(x, q, alpha_min=0.01)#

Compute a quantile and a confidence interval for a given dataset.


x (list of float)

The dataset from which the quantile and confidence interval are computed.

q (float)

The quantile to compute. Must be in the range [0, 1].

alpha_min (float, optional)

Limit for coverage. The result has coverage >= 1 - alpha_min. Defaults to 0.01.


m (float)

The computed quantile from the dataset.

ci (tuple of float)

Confidence interval (a, b), of coverage >= alpha_min.


This function assumes independence but is otherwise nonparametric. It sorts the input data and calculates the quantile using a linear interpolation method if the desired quantile lies between two data points. The confidence interval is computed using a known property of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a binomial distribution. This method calculates the smallest range (y[r-1], y[s-1]) for which the coverage is at least alpha_min.

class asv_runner.statistics.LaplacePosterior(y, nu=None)#

Class to represent univariate Laplace posterior distribution.


This class represents the univariate posterior distribution defined as p(beta|y) = N [sum(|y_j - beta|)]**(-nu-1) where N is the normalization factor.


y (list of float)

A list of sample values from the distribution.

nu (float, optional)

Degrees of freedom. Default is len(y) - 1.


mle (float)

The maximum likelihood estimate for beta which is the median of y.


This is the posterior distribution in the Bayesian model assuming Laplace distributed noise, where p(y|beta,sigma) = N exp(- sum_j (1/sigma) |y_j - beta|), p(sigma) ~ 1/sigma, and nu = len(y) - 1. The MLE for beta is median(y). Applying the same approach to a Gaussian model results to p(beta|y) = N T(t, m-1), t = (beta - mean(y)) / (sstd(y) / sqrt(m)) where T(t, nu) is the Student t-distribution pdf, which gives the standard textbook formulas for the mean.


Initializes an instance of the LaplacePosterior class.


y (list of float):

The samples from the distribution.

nu (float, optional):

The degrees of freedom. Default is len(y) - 1.


ValueError: If y is an empty list.


This constructor sorts the input data y and calculates the MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimate). It computes a scale factor, _y_scale, to prevent overflows when computing unnormalized CDF integrals. The input data y is then shifted and scaled according to this computed scale. The method also initializes a memoization dictionary _cdf_memo for the unnormalized CDF, and a placeholder _cdf_norm for the normalization constant of the CDF.


Computes the unnormalized cumulative distribution function (CDF).


beta (float):

The upper limit of the integration for the CDF.


Returns the unnormalized CDF evaluated at beta.


The method computes the unnormalized CDF as:

cdf_unnorm(b) = int_{-oo}^{b} 1/(sum_j |y - b'|)**(m+1) db'

The method integrates piecewise, resolving the absolute values separately for each section. The results of these calculations are memoized to speed up subsequent computations.

It also handles special cases, such as when beta is not a number (returns beta as is), or when beta is positive infinity (memoizes the integral value at the end of the list y).


Computes the inverse function of _cdf_unnorm.


cdfx (float):

The value for which to compute the inverse cumulative distribution function (CDF).


Returns the unnormalized quantile function evaluated at cdfx.


This method computes the inverse of _cdf_unnorm. It first finds the interval within which cdfx lies, then performs the inversion on this interval.

Special cases are handled when the interval index k is 0 (the computation of beta involves a check for negative infinity), or when the calculated c is 0. The result beta is clipped at the upper bound of the interval, ensuring it does not exceed self.y[k].


Computes the probability distribution function (PDF).


beta (float)

The point at which to evaluate the PDF.


A float which is the probability density function evaluated at beta.


This function computes the PDF by exponentiating the result of self.logpdf(beta). The logpdf method should therefore be implemented in the class that uses this method.


Computes the logarithm of the probability distribution function (log-PDF).


beta (float)

The point at which to evaluate the log-PDF.


A float which is the logarithm of the probability density function evaluated at beta.


This function computes the log-PDF by first checking if the scale of the distribution _y_scale is zero. If so, it returns math.inf if beta equals the maximum likelihood estimate mle, otherwise it returns -math.inf.

The beta value is then transformed by subtracting the maximum likelihood estimate mle and dividing by _y_scale.

If the unnormalized cumulative distribution function _cdf_norm has not been computed yet, it is computed by calling _cdf_unnorm(math.inf).

The function then computes the sum of absolute differences between beta and all points in y, applies the log-PDF formula and returns the result.


Computes the cumulative distribution function (CDF).


beta (float)

The point at which to evaluate the CDF.


A float which is the value of the cumulative distribution function evaluated at beta.


This function computes the CDF by first checking if the scale of the distribution _y_scale is zero. If so, it returns 1 if beta is greater than the maximum likelihood estimate mle, and 0 otherwise.

The beta value is then transformed by subtracting the maximum likelihood estimate mle and dividing by _y_scale.

If the unnormalized cumulative distribution function _cdf_norm has not been computed yet, it is computed by calling _cdf_unnorm(math.inf).

The function then computes the unnormalized CDF at beta and normalizes it by dividing with _cdf_norm.


Computes the percent point function (PPF), also known as the inverse cumulative distribution function.


cdf (float)

The cumulative probability for which to compute the inverse CDF. It must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).


A float which is the value of the percent point function evaluated at cdf.


This function computes the PPF by first checking if cdf is not between 0 and 1. If it is not, it returns math.nan.

If the scale of the distribution _y_scale is zero, it returns the maximum likelihood estimate mle.

If the unnormalized cumulative distribution function _cdf_norm has not been computed yet, it is computed by calling _cdf_unnorm(math.inf).

The function then scales cdf by _cdf_norm (making sure it does not exceed _cdf_norm), computes the unnormalized PPF at this scaled value, and transforms it back to the original scale.

asv_runner.statistics.compute_stats(samples, number)#

Performs statistical analysis on the provided samples.


samples (list of float)

A list of total times (in seconds) of benchmarks.

number (int)

The number of times each benchmark was repeated.


beta_hat (float)

The estimated time per iteration.

stats (dict)

A dictionary containing various statistical measures of the estimator. It includes:

  • “ci_99_a”: The lower bound of the 99% confidence interval.

  • “ci_99_b”: The upper bound of the 99% confidence interval.

  • “q_25”: The 25th percentile of the sample times.

  • “q_75”: The 75th percentile of the sample times.

  • “repeat”: The total number of samples.

  • “number”: The repeat number for each sample.


This function first checks if there are any samples. If there are none, it returns None, None.

It then calculates the median and the 25th and 75th percentiles of the samples. If the nonparametric confidence interval estimation did not provide an estimate, it computes the posterior distribution for the location, assuming exponential noise. The Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) is equal to the median. The function uses the confidence interval from that distribution to extend beyond the sample bounds if necessary.

Finally, it produces the median as the result and a dictionary of the computed statistics.