
Module Contents#



Class representing a single benchmark. The class encapsulates functions and methods that can be marked as benchmarks, along with setup and teardown methods, timing and other configuration.



Retrieves an attribute from a source by its name.


Yields attributes from a list of sources by their name.


Retrieves the first attribute from a list of sources by its name.


Retrieves the cache key for a function’s setup.


Extracts, concatenates, and dedents the source code of the given items.


Retrieves the source file and line number information of the given object.


Verifies if the function under benchmarking accepts a correct number of arguments.


Returns a string representing the object, but without its memory address.


asv_runner.benchmarks._base._get_attr(source, name, ignore_case=False)#

Retrieves an attribute from a source by its name.


source (object)

The source from which to get the attribute.

name (str)

The name of the attribute.

ignore_case (bool, optional)

Whether to ignore case when comparing attribute names. Defaults to False.


attr (object or None)

The attribute if it is found, else None.



If more than one attribute with the given name exists and ignore_case is True.

asv_runner.benchmarks._base._get_all_attrs(sources, name, ignore_case=False)#

Yields attributes from a list of sources by their name.


sources (List[object])

The list of sources from which to get the attribute.

name (str)

The name of the attribute.

ignore_case (bool, optional)

Whether to ignore case when comparing attribute names. Defaults to False.


val (object)

The attribute if it is found in the source.

asv_runner.benchmarks._base._get_first_attr(sources, name, default, ignore_case=False)#

Retrieves the first attribute from a list of sources by its name.


sources (List[object])

The list of sources from which to get the attribute.

name (str)

The name of the attribute.

default (object)

The default value to return if no attribute is found.

ignore_case (bool, optional)

Whether to ignore case when comparing attribute names. Defaults to False.


attr (object)

The first attribute found or the default value if no attribute is found.


Retrieves the cache key for a function’s setup.


func (function)

The function for which to get the cache key.


cache_key (str or None)

The cache key if the function is not None, else None.


The cache key is a string composed of the function’s module name and the line number where the function’s source code starts.


Extracts, concatenates, and dedents the source code of the given items.


items (Iterable[object])

An iterable of items, typically functions or methods, for which to extract the source code.


source_code (str)

The concatenated and dedented source code of the items.


The function retrieves the source code of each item. If the item has a pretty_source attribute, it uses that as the source code. Otherwise, it attempts to use the inspect module’s getsourcelines function to extract the source code.

The function also adds class names to methods and properly indents the source code. If the source code belongs to a method, the function retrieves the class name and prepends it to the source code, properly indenting it to reflect its position within the class. If the source code belongs to the same class as the previous item, only the indentation is adjusted.

asv_runner.benchmarks._base._get_sourceline_info(obj, basedir)#

Retrieves the source file and line number information of the given object.


obj (object)

The object for which to retrieve source file and line number information. This is typically a function or a method.

basedir (str)

The base directory relative to which the source file path should be expressed.


sourceline_info (str)

A string containing the relative path of the source file and the line number where the object is defined, in the format ' in {filename}:{lineno}'. If the source file or line number cannot be determined, an empty string is returned.


The function uses the inspect module’s getsourcefile and getsourcelines functions to determine the source file and line number of the object, respectively. The source file path is converted to a path relative to basedir using os.path.relpath.

asv_runner.benchmarks._base.check_num_args(root, benchmark_name, func, min_num_args, max_num_args=None)#

Verifies if the function under benchmarking accepts a correct number of arguments.


root (str)

The root directory for the function’s source file (used to print detailed error messages).

benchmark_name (str)

The name of the benchmark for which the function is being checked (used in error messages).

func (function)

The function to check for correct number of arguments.

min_num_args (int)

The minimum number of arguments the function should accept.

max_num_args (int, optional)

The maximum number of arguments the function should accept. If not provided, max_num_args is assumed to be the same as min_num_args.


validity (bool)

True if the function accepts a correct number of arguments, False otherwise.


The function uses the inspect module’s getfullargspec function to determine the number of arguments the function accepts. It correctly handles functions, methods, variable argument lists, and functions with default argument values. In case of any error or if the function does not accept a correct number of arguments, an error message is printed to standard output.


Returns a string representing the object, but without its memory address.


obj (object)

The object to represent.


representation (str)

A string representation of the object without its memory address.


When Python’s built-in repr function is used on an object, it often includes the memory address of the object. In some cases, this might not be desirable (for example, when comparing object representations in unit tests, where the memory address is not relevant). This function provides a way to get a string representation of an object without its memory address.

The function works by first getting the repr of the object, then using a regular expression to detect and remove the memory address if it’s present. To avoid false positives, the function also gets the repr of the object using the object class’s __repr__ method (which always includes the address), and only removes the address from the original repr if it matches the address in the object.__repr__.

Please note, this function is not guaranteed to remove the memory address for all objects. It is primarily intended to work for objects that have a repr similar to the default one provided by the object class.

class asv_runner.benchmarks._base.Benchmark(name, func, attr_sources)#

Class representing a single benchmark. The class encapsulates functions and methods that can be marked as benchmarks, along with setup and teardown methods, timing and other configuration.


The class uses regex to match method names that will be considered as benchmarks. The matched functions are then processed for benchmarking using various helper methods.

By default, a benchmark’s timeout is set to 60 seconds.


Initialize a new instance of Benchmark.


name (str)

The name of the benchmark.

func (function)

The function to benchmark.

attr_sources (list)

List of sources from which attributes of the benchmark will be drawn. These attributes include setup, teardown, timeout, etc.


pretty_name (str)

A user-friendly name for the function being benchmarked, if available.

_setups (list)

List of setup methods to be executed before the benchmark.

_teardowns (list)

List of teardown methods to be executed after the benchmark.

_setup_cache (function)

A special setup method that is only run once per parameter set.

setup_cache_key (str)

A unique key for the setup cache.

setup_cache_timeout (float)

The time after which the setup cache should be invalidated.

timeout (float)

The maximum time the benchmark is allowed to run before it is aborted.

code (str)

The source code of the function to be benchmarked and its setup methods.

version (str)

A version string derived from a hash of the code.

_params (list)

List of parameters for the function to be benchmarked.

param_names (list)

List of names for the parameters.

_current_params (tuple)

The current set of parameters to be passed to the function during the benchmark.

params (list)

The list of parameters with unique representations for exporting.



If param_names or _params is not a list or if the number of parameters does not match the number of parameter names.




Set the current parameter values for the benchmark based on a parameter index.

This method updates the _current_params attribute with the set of parameter values that correspond to the provided parameter index.


param_idx (int)

The index of the desired parameter set in the Cartesian product of _params attribute list.



If the provided parameter index is not valid. This could occur if the index does not correspond to any element in the Cartesian product of the _params list.


Inserts a parameter at the beginning of the current parameter list.

This method modifies the _current_params attribute, inserting the provided parameter value at the front of the parameter tuple.


param (Any)

The parameter value to insert at the front of _current_params.


Checks call syntax (argument count) for benchmark’s setup, call, and teardown.


root (Any)

The root context for checking argument count in setup, call and teardown.


result (bool)

True if correct argument count is used in all methods, False otherwise.


The call syntax is checked only based on the number of arguments. It also sets the current parameters for the benchmark if they exist. The number of arguments required by setup, call, and teardown methods may increase if a setup cache is defined.


Executes the benchmark’s function with profiling using cProfile.


filename (str, optional)

The name of the file where the profiling data should be saved. If not provided, the profiling data will not be saved.



If the cProfile module couldn’t be imported.


The method uses an inner function method_caller to call the function to be profiled. The function and its parameters should be available in the scope where method_caller is called.

The cProfile module should be available, or else a RuntimeError is raised. If a filename is provided, the profiling results will be saved to that file.